
To begin running a neural network training, first make sure that we have our iterable of batches. We are free to use anything as a batch. For instance, if PyTorch is used, we may represent the iterable of batches as a DataLoader object.

Once the batches are ready, we create a Runner object.

from rnnr import Runner
trainer = Runner()

Next, we give the runner a function that is invoked on each batch of the run. For example, if PyTorch is used, we can do it like below:

from rnnr import Event
import torch.nn.functional as F

def train_update(state):
    x, t = state['batch']
    y = model(x)
    loss = F.cross_entropy(y, t)

To run the trainer, simply invoke the run method.

trainer.run(batches, max_epoch=5)

Listening to other events

The above example is the minimum requirement to use a Runner. However, usually we want to have some more control of what we do on the start of each epoch, end of each batch, and so on. Heavily inspired by torchnet and Ignite, rnnr also uses an event system: during a run, the runner emits events and we can provide callbacks for them.

def print_training(state):
    print('Start training')

def print_epoch(state):
    print('Epoch', state['epoch'], 'started')

Now, when trainer is run, these callbacks will be invoked at the start of the run and the start of each epoch respectively. The on method can also be used not as a decorator by passing a callback as its second argument.

def print_epoch_finished(state):
    print('Epoch', state['epoch'], 'of', state['max_epoch'], 'finished')

trainer.on(Event.EPOCH_FINISHED, print_epoch_finished)

See Runner for more details. For more information on what events are available, see Event instead. Please check Callbacks for some useful callback factories.

Callbacks that work together: an attachment

An attachment is a collection of callbacks that work together to provide some functionality. For example, to compute a mean over batch statistics, we need to append callbacks to many events, and these callbacks work together to obtain the mean value. In rnnr, this concept is realized by the Attachment abstract base class. We can create our own attachments, but some useful attachments are provided. See Attachments for more.